Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Website

Here's my website

The website is mainly about my experience of couchsurfing. I spend the whole winter break last year on couchsurfing. I went from San Antonio all the way to Dallas. When I work on the website, the background picture took forever and I didn't get a satisfying results after wasting 2 hours. It's very difficult for me to choose my favorite pictures since there are so many of them. What we learned in the class really helped me a lot. By using the knowledge, I am be able to combine all the pages together. Originally I planned to put lots of text but then I found out that the text didn't fit the images so well. So I end up just delete most of the texts and leave the images along.


  1. Dude cool website. My cousin couch surfed in Spain when he went after college. He said he met some really nice people and some really strange people but hey, as long as you get a place to sleep right?

  2. I love couch surfing! I want to do it someday.
