Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chris Nolan's lecture

Last Thursday, Chris Nolan came to the class and gave us a lecture about how to use the search engine efficiently. I have been using the Google search since high school but I never knew Google can be so powerful. When I was searching the information for my urban study class presentation, I found the information I needed most is primarily located in the government website. However, at that time, I didn’t know how to filter the search results so it took me forever to finish the data search. Now I know by using edu, org, gov function, I can filter the data and find the real useful information which could save me hours from digging piles of irrelevant statistics.  

As for the Google Scholar, I never use it before. After Mr. Nolan’s lecture, I feel it is such a powerful tool for academic search. The Trinity Library is a huge data pool, however compare to Google Scholar, it is very small. I guess I will use the Google Scholar a lot in the future.

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