Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chris Nolan's lecture

Last Thursday, Chris Nolan came to the class and gave us a lecture about how to use the search engine efficiently. I have been using the Google search since high school but I never knew Google can be so powerful. When I was searching the information for my urban study class presentation, I found the information I needed most is primarily located in the government website. However, at that time, I didn’t know how to filter the search results so it took me forever to finish the data search. Now I know by using edu, org, gov function, I can filter the data and find the real useful information which could save me hours from digging piles of irrelevant statistics.  

As for the Google Scholar, I never use it before. After Mr. Nolan’s lecture, I feel it is such a powerful tool for academic search. The Trinity Library is a huge data pool, however compare to Google Scholar, it is very small. I guess I will use the Google Scholar a lot in the future.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Powerpoint gives me a lot a convinence. A good powerpoint work makes me comfortable. However, I find the powerpoint can also be annoying. Sometimes people tends to use too many pictures and use unnecessary animation effects. Well, that's not the worst thing. Occasionally, people will try to use photos of authority and 3D charts to misleading others. For the same group of data, a pie chart can looks very different for a columne chart.

Furthermore, when people put everything into the powerpint, the presentation will become very boring because the presenter acts no more than a speaker.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

CLT experience

I had been to CLT before to watch movies in my Spanish classes however I didn't know the extent of the services available down there. The technology facilities down there are very impressive. I never knew that we have so many Macs and scanners in Trinity. I have a scanner in my room but it takes forever to adjust the settings every time. To be honest, I didn't really understand the whole Trinity network video chat system. I mean since you can use Skype anywhere in the world why bother to spend so much time to establish your own chatting system? It would be awesome if the school can provide some video about the IT system. So we can watch by ourselves instead of coming to library.